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Lardi-Trans Public API
Section on managing tenders
Initializing search
Lardi-Trans Public API
Lardi-Trans Public API
Work With Users
Work With Users
Section for actions with users
Retrieving a user
Retrieving user's subordinate contacts
Search for users
Retrieving an extended user object
Retrieve User's Current Service Package
Work With Reference Books
Work With Reference Books
Reference book section
Reference Book "Towns"
Reference Book "Towns"
Retrieving towns by IDs
Retrieving towns by town name
Retrieving towns by postcode
Directory "Localization languages"
Directory "Countries"
Directory "Country part"
Directory "Regions"
Directory "Towns" (outdated)
Directory "Currencies"
Directory "Payment types"
Directory "Payment units"
Directory "Moments of payment"
Directory "Loading types"
Directory "Loading frequency types"
Directory "Groups of truck types" (deprecated)
Directory "Truck types"
Directory "Loads"
Directory "Cargo package"
Additional filtering by identifiers
Vehicle Category Reference
Work With My Proposals
Work With My Proposals
Section on managing user's offers
Creating a freight offer
Editing a freight offer
Creating a vehicle offer
Editing a vehicle offer
Retrieving my freight offers
Retrieving my vehicle offers
Repeat my offers
Moving my offers to the trash folder
Restoring my offers from the trash folder
Removing my offers from the trash folder
Work With My Tenders
Work With My Tenders
Section on managing tenders
Creating a tender
Retrieving a tender by ID
Retrieving all tenders
Bid acceptance
Bid rejection
Removing a tender
Offer Search
Offer Search
Offer Search
Receiving Cargo Requests
Receiving Transport Requests
Receiving Cargo Request by Identifier
Receiving Transport Request by Identifier
Other Methods
Other Methods
Other methods section
Getting route
Structures section
Proposal Structures
Proposal Structures
Structure "Freight"
Structure "Vehicles"
Structure "Freight dimensions"
Structure "Vehicle dimensions"
Structure "Collection location"
Structure "Refrigerator temperature range"
Structure "Payment"
Structure "Offer repeats"
Structure "Offer owner"
Structure "Collection location in requests"
Structure "Response to a request to edit several of your offers"
Structure "Response to a request to delete several of your offers"
Structure "Error when editing several of your offers"
Structure "Offer validation error"
Structure "Description of a validation error"
Structure "Error with the code"
Structure "Directions"
Structure "Filter Options"
Structure "Cargo Filter"
Structure "Vehicle Filter"
Tender Structures
Tender Structures
Structure "Tender"
Structure "Created tender"
Structure "Tender validation error"
Structure "Error with the code"
Structure "Description of a validation error"
Structure "Tender report"
Structure "Freight"
Structure "Distance"
Structure "Direction"
Structure "Location"
Structure "Payment"
Structure "Truck"
Structure "Tender owner"
Structure "Address"
Structure "Contact details"
Structure "Premium IDs"
Structure "Rating"
Structure "Tender owner"
Structure "Tender participant"
Structure "Tender bid"
Reference Book Structures
Reference Book Structures
Structure "Basic directory element"
Structure "Localization language"
Structure "Country"
Structure "Country part"
Structure "Region"
Structure "Town"
Structure "Loading type"
Users Structures
Users Structures
Structure "User"
Structure "User's subordinate contact"
Structure "Extended user data"
Other Structures
Other Structures
Structure "Phone number"
Structure "User's phone history"
Structure "Phone history element"
Structure "Offer owner rating"
Structure "User's rating"
Structure "User's address"
Structure "Response with ID"
Structure "Claims counter"
Structure "Successful result"
Types section
Enumeration "Offer status"
Перечисление "Коды ошибок валидации тендера"
Enumeration "Ownership types"
Enumeration "Codes of validation errors in offers"
Enumeration "Route search mode"
Section on managing tenders
This section contains API methods that help user manage tenders.