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Retrieving towns by IDs


Retrieving towns by IDs.

URL structure

GET /v2/references/towns/by/ids

List of parameters

Name Description Parameter transfer type Required(+)/Default(value)
language Localization language. Usage details. Query string parameter ru
ids Town ids. The maximum is 100. Query string parameter +


Array of structures "Town".

Sample request

curl -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: 3WQ1EQ465C4005000130" ",138&language=uk"

Sample response

        "id": 137,
        "name": "Київ",
        "countrySign": "UA",
        "areaId": 23,
        "lat": 50.444795,
        "lon": 30.528718
        "id": 138,
        "name": "Васильків",
        "countrySign": "UA",
        "areaId": 23,
        "lat": 50.177089,
        "lon": 30.319639