Structure "Created tender"
This structure describes a created tender.
Name | Description | Data type | Required |
id | Tender ID. | Number | + |
dateCreate | Tender start date. | Number | + |
dateEdit | Tender end date. | Number | + |
type | Tender type "FIXED_PRICE", "BIDS" | String | + |
status | Current tender status. | String | + |
tenderStatusDate | Previous status. | String | |
tenderStatusReason. | Reason for status change. | String | |
tenderVerificationStart. | Verification start date. | Number | |
tenderVerificationEnd. | Verification end date. | Number | |
dateLoad | Loading date. | Number | + |
tenderStart | Start date of the tender execution. | Number | + |
tenderEnd | Tender completion date. | Number | + |
directionFrom | Departure location. | Structure "Location" | + |
directionTo | Delivery location. | Structure "Location" | + |
distance | Distance, time. | Structure "Distance" | |
cargo | Freight description. | Structure "Freight" | + |
truck | Vehicle description. | Structure "Vehicle" | + |
payment | Payment. | Structure "Payment" | |
documents | Documents | String | + |
description | Additional description | String | + |
owner | Tender owner details | Structure "Owner" | + |
bidSummary | Bid values for tenders. | Structure "Bid" | + |
"id": 51,
"dateCreate": 1651656219000,
"dateEdit": 1651656219000,
"type": "BIDS",
"status": "PREPARED",
"tenderStatusDate": 1651656219000,
"tenderStatusReason": "",
"tenderVerificationStart": null,
"tenderVerificationEnd": null,
"dateLoad": 1651622400000,
"tenderStart": 1651656279000,
"tenderEnd": 1651657179000,
"directionFrom": {
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"name": "Украина",
"sign": "UA"
"area": null,
"town": {
"id": 933,
"name": "Милан"
"name": "Милан",
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"lat": 0.3,
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"directionTo": {
"countrySign": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Украина",
"sign": "UA"
"area": {
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"name": "Гродненская обл."
"town": {
"id": 255,
"name": "Ошмяны"
"name": "Ошмяны",
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"name": "truck"
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"name": "Открытая"
"loadTypes": [
"id": 24,
"name": "верхняя"
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"periodicity": 0
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"value": 100.00,
"bidStep": 10.00,
"currencyId": {
"id": 2,
"name": "грн."
"formId": {
"id": 2,
"name": "нал."
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"documents": [
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"owner": {
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"ownershipType": "ENTREPRENEUR",
"active": true,
"deleted": false,
"regDate": 1642067358000,
"regProject": null,
"firmCode": "4564564569",
"lang": "RU",
"contact": {
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"name": "Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich",
"nameWithoutBrand": "Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich",
"nameWithBrand": "Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich",
"nameLang": "RU",
"face": "Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich",
"phoneItem1": {
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"messengerTypes": []
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"messengerTypes": []
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"area": {
"id": 34,
"name": "Харьковская обл."
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"ball": 0.0
"flags": {
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"lardiClient": true,
"autoRepeat": true,
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"bidSummary": {
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"worst": 150,
"total": 5,
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"owner": {
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"regDate": 1650954917000,
"regProject": null,
"firmCode": "3237012832",
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"name": "Сидоров Александр Александрович",
"nameWithoutBrand": "Сидоров Александр Александрович",
"nameWithBrand": "Сидоров Александр Александрович",
"nameLang": "RU",
"face": "Сидоров Александр Александрович",
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"messengerTypes": []
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"messengerTypes": []
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"messengerTypes": []
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"address": {
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"name": "Украина",
"sign": "UA"
"area": {
"id": 34,
"name": "Харьковская обл."
"rating": {
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"badResponseCount": 0,
"ball": 0.0
"flags": {
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"approvedProfile": false,
"approvedContacts": false,
"topBrand": false,
"vip": false,
"lardiClient": false,
"autoRepeat": false,
"hideAds": false
"bidCount": 3,
"actualBid": {
"id": 409,
"date": 1650974985000,
"value": 850.00