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Structure "Tender"

This structure describes the tender parameters. It is required when creating a tender.


Name Description Data type Required
type Tender type "BIDS"/"FIXED_PRICE". String +
tenderStart Tender start, ms. Number +
tenderEnd Tender end, ms. Number +
dateLoad Loading date, ms. Number +
directionFrom Departure location. Structure "Direction" +
directionTo Delivery location. Structure "Direction" +
cargoId Freight ID. Number
cargoName Freight name. String
cargoLength Length. Number
cargoWidth Width. Number
cargoHeight Height. Number
cargoWeight Weight. Number
cargoVolume Volume. Number
cargoPhotos Freight photo. String array
truckBodyType Truck body type. Number
truckBodyTypeGroup Group of truck types. Number
truckLoadTypes Truck loading type. String array
truckCount Number of trucks. Number
truckPeriodicity Frequency of deliveries. Number
paymentValue Payment cost. Number
paymentBidStep Minimum bid step. Number
paymentCurrencyId Currency ID. Number
paymentFormId Payment amount. Number
paymentVat VAT. Number
documents Required documents. String array
description Freight description. String


    "type": "BIDS",
    "cargoHeight": 0,
    "cargoId": 0,
    "cargoLength": 0,
    "cargoName": "name",
    "cargoPhotos": [
    "cargoVolume": 0,
    "cargoWeight": 10,
    "cargoWidth": 0,
    "dateLoad": + (1 * 1 * 16 * 60 * 1000),
    "description": "string",
    "directionFrom": {
        "address": "string",
        "lat": 0.3,
        "lon": 0.5,
        "townId": 933
    "directionTo": {
        "address": "string",
        "lat": 0.8,
        "lon": 0,
        "townId": 255
    "documents": [
    "paymentBidStep": 101,
    "paymentCurrencyId": 2,
    "paymentFormId": 0,
    "paymentValue": 100,
    "paymentVat": true,
    "tenderEnd": + (1 * 1 * 16 * 60 * 1000),
    "tenderStart": + (1 * 1 * 1 * 60 * 1000),
    "truckBodyType": 69,
    "truckBodyTypeGroup": 2,
    "truckCount": 0,
    "truckLoadTypes": [
      "truckPeriodicity": 0