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Structure "Extended user data"

This structure describes the extended data of a user of the [Lardi-Trans] website ( It is the result of the API method Retrieving an extended user object.

Field description

Name Description Data type Required
refId User id. Number +
createDate User creation date, ms. Timestamp +
isActive User activity indicator. Logical +
description User brief description. String +
contact User's selected contact. Object +
contact.contactId ID of user's subordinate contact. Number + Username. String +
contact.face Contact person. String +
contact.phones Phone numbers. Array of "Phone number" structures + Skype™ id. String Email address. String
phoneHistory User's phone history. Structure "User's phone history"
rating User's rating info. Structure "User's rating" +
claimCount User's claims. Object +
claimCount.countsFrom Claims from this user against other users. Structure "Claims counter" +
claimCount.countsTo Claims from other users against this user. Structure "Claims counter" +


    "refId": 13706951275,
    "createDate": 1002542360000,
    "isActive": true,
    "description": "Sample description",
    "contact": {
        "contactId": 0,
        "contactRefId": 0,
        "name": "Ларди-Транс ™ Бренд2",
        "nameWithoutBrand": "Ларди-Транс™, ООО",
        "face": "Контакт-центр1",
        "phones": [
                "number": "+380(44)2099961",
                "messengers": [
                "number": "+380(67)5240103",
                "messengers": [
                "number": "+380(99)2014193",
                "messengers": []
        "skype": "Skype:",
        "email": ""
    "phoneHistory": {
        "phone1": [
                "date": 1526911183000,
                "oldValue": "+380(44)2099960",
                "newValue": "+380(44)2099961"
                "date": 1472459279000,
                "oldValue": "+380(66)1234567",
                "newValue": "+380(44)2099960"
                "date": 1472459158000,
                "oldValue": "+380(44)2099960",
                "newValue": "+380(66)1234567"
        "phone2": [
                "date": 1480662376000,
                "oldValue": "+380(44)2099960",
                "newValue": "+380(67)5240103"
                "date": 1476337833000,
                "oldValue": "+380(67)5240103",
                "newValue": "+380(44)2099960"
                "date": 1476337813000,
                "oldValue": "+380(44)2099960",
                "newValue": "+380(67)5240103"
                "date": 1472459279000,
                "oldValue": "+380(66)1234567",
                "newValue": "+380(44)2099960"
        "phone3": [
                "date": 1476337833000,
                "oldValue": "",
                "newValue": "+380(99)2014193"
                "date": 1472459279000,
                "oldValue": "+380(66)1234567",
                "newValue": ""
                "date": 1472459158000,
                "oldValue": "",
                "newValue": "+380(66)1234567"
        "phone4": [
                "date": 1481005771000,
                "oldValue": "+380(99)1111111",
                "newValue": ""
                "date": 1481005768000,
                "oldValue": "",
                "newValue": "+380(99)1111111"
                "date": 1476864638000,
                "oldValue": "+380(66)2199170",
                "newValue": ""
    "rating": {
        "positiveCommentCount": 104,
        "negativeCommentCount": 2,
        "ownCommentCount": 30,
        "points": 8.63503
    "claimCount": {
        "countsFrom": {
            "open": 0,
            "rejected": 1,
            "paid": 1
        "countsTo": {
            "open": 40,
            "rejected": 1,
            "paid": 3